ITEA Review 1
OpenSCALING ITEA Review #1 (Nov. 2024)
In a web-meeting, Nov. 28, 2024, we had the opportunity to present our recent progress and key achievements of the OpenSCALING project to the reviewers of ITEA Steering Group.
We had put a strong emphasize on the very impressive and illustrative achievements within the workpackages WP3 “Large-scale System Modeling” and WP5 “Large-scale System Workflows”. It was a pleasure to report, already at this very first review, that some challenging goals, in terms of KPIs, have already been reached.
Following four different approaches to enable scalability of simulation models using Modelica, it was demonstrated that with up-to 800 mio. equations the KPI 1 of 10x larger Modelica models has already been over-accomplished.
Also in terms of over-all start-up time for Modelica models to be accelerated by a factor of at least 100x, it could be shown that the new backend of OpenModelica has already achieved this goal by reducing the translation time of a model with 100.000 components from 4min to 3s.
A very nice little video demonstrated how the srmd format is leveraged to convey credibility relevant meta data and interface specifications through SSP2.0 from orchideo|easySPP to Dymola in a convenient and traceable way.
The feedback from the Reviewers was very positive. The chairperson RĂ©gis Cazenave stated: “You are moving at a fast pace.” and “It’s good to see that you were able to manage this large consortium so successfully.”
Thank you for this encouraging feedback. And thanks to all contributors to this project in your daily work and in preparation of this review.
We’re looking forward to continue on this path.